Membership Form (Company/Organization/Agency) Privileges of MembersBecome our partner in the promotion of mental health.Be invited and vail of discounts to educational activities like seminars, workshops, training, lecture-fora, etc.Access to reprints of papers/articles on mental health including research studies conducted by the Association.Involvement in mental health committees on educational and clinical services,Maybe invited to be nominated and elected as one of the PMHA CCI’s Board of Management. Type of Membership (required) Corporate (Companies) Php10,000 (1 Year)Sustaining (Agency/Organization) Php3,000 (1 Year) Name of Company (required) House No., Street, Barangay, Municipality Region (required) —Please choose an option—CARREGION 1REGION 2 Province —Please choose an option—AbraApayaoBenguetIfugaoKalingaMt. Province Province —Please choose an option—Ilocos NorteIlocos SurLa Union Province —Please choose an option—BatanesCagayanIsabelaNueva VizcayaQuirino Telephone No/s. Mobile No/s. Email Address (required) Website (If applicable) Representative 1 (Surname, Given Name Middle Initial) Representative 2 (Surname, Given Name Middle Initial) Representative 3 (Surname, Given Name Middle Initial)