Philippine Mental Health Association – CORDILLERA CHAPTER INC.

History (old version)

Four years after the World War II the ravages of war were still visible in the rubble of battered buildings in the city and elsewhere in the country. Less visible but an even greater cause of concern were the scars left by the war on the lives of the people, reflected in the high incidence of crimes, perversions, broken homes, and other problems which were believed to have their roots in mental and emotional disorders.
It was in this setting that a group of civic leaders met on December 15, 1949 at the University of Sto. Tomas gymnasium, to discuss the problems posed by mental illness. During the meeting Dr. Eduardo E. Krapf, a consultant of the World Federation for Mental Health and World Mental Health Organization, then visiting in Manila proposed the idea of organizing a Philippine mental health movement. The idea was swiftly adopted. Thus, the Philippine Mental Health Association (PMHA) was established.

With Dr. Manuel V. Arguelles as its first president, the association was incorporated a month later, on January 15, 1950. It quickly launched a series of projects to carry out its twin objectives of fighting mental illness and promoting mental health of the people.

After almost a decade of existence, the PMHA National office decided to expand its program throughout the country. Thus, by the end of the 1950’s, six (6) provincial chapters, including Baguio Chapter, were organized. The birth of PMHA Baguio was made possible through the initiative and efforts of concerned citizens of Baguio and the Chapter’s founder, the late Dr. Fernando D. Manalo. Dr. Manalo’s persistent efforts resulted in the Chapter’s acquisition of a 1,000 sq. meter lot from the BGH land reservation under Presidential Proclamation 794. In 1963, the Chapter was able to construct its Day Care building, thanks to the donors and friends of PMHA. It was also through the Chapter that the first psychiatric services were made available in Baguio City. After five years, the Psychiatric Department was integrated at BGH. The transfer of psychiatric services to BGH made the Chapter shift its emphasis to other problems like training the mentally retarded children, Education-Nutrition Program for children and a Growth Center for Youth. It also provided shelter to Shalom House from 1978-1986. Now, the thrust of the Chapter’s programs is on preventive education – the most effective and inexpensive way of checking the emergence of mental illness. Thus, most of our programs and services are geared towards this objective. To date, Baguio-Benguet Chapter is one of the active chapters among the nine provincial chapters in the country that promotes mental health relentlessly in the community and its environs.


June 13, 1959

The organizational meeting and founding of the PMHA Baguio Chapter (Chapter) was held at the Baguio City Police Department. Dr. Fernando D. Manalo was elected as the first Chairman and Ms. Ms. Josefina Gonzales-Fernandez was assigned as the first Chapter Executive.


The Chapter conducted its First Annual Meeting and Elections.

The first free psychiatric services was made available in Baguio through the efforts of the Chapter.

The first Human Relations Clubs (now LINK Club) were organized.


Then, President Carlos P. Garcia signed the Presidential Proclamation No. 794 granting 1,000 square meters of the BGH reservation for the PMHA Baguio Day Care Center.

The PMHA Baguio Chapter Community Day Care Center Building was constructed and inaugurated. From then on, this building became the home of the Chapter, which for four years had occupied free office space at the Notre Dame de Lourdes Hospital.

The Chapter conducted District Mental Health Seminars in the different Municipalities of Benguet and Mt. Province.


The PMHA Baguio Chapter Ladies Volunteer Group was organized.

Teachers from the Division of Baguio and Benguet attended the Chapter’s project – Series of District Work Seminars on Guidance and Mental Health.
For the first time, the Chapter administered neuro-psychiatric examinations to the policemen from the different municipalities of Benguet.
Through the efforts of the Ladies Volunteer Group, the PMHA Day Care Center Basement was completed.

The Chapter celebrated its Tenth Foundation Anniversary with the theme “Toward a Greater Community Involvement in Mental Health Work.”

The Chapter shifted its emphasis on preventive education because the mental clinic was transferred to Baguio General Hospital (BGH) when BGH integrated its own Psychiatric Department.

The Chapter opened a special class for Trainable Mentally Retarded Children and a pre-school class for normal indigent children.

1970 – 1971

Sermons on mental health in different churches were given.

Different Lecture Forums on Mental Health was conducted to students, teachers, and members of various organizations.

PMHA remodeled and loaned its basement to BGH Psychiatric Department until 1988.

The PMHA Diagnostic and Guidance Services was established.

Psychological tests were administered to the Baguio City Hall employees and to teachers from selected schools in the municipalities of Benguet.


Launching of the “Drop Your Coin Campaign for Mental Health” by the Baguio Market Vendors Association and Jeepney Operators and Drivers Association.

The Chapter conducted the “Barrio Assemblies on Mental Health” in the different Baguio City barangays.

The first Youth Life Enrichment Seminar Workshop (YLESW)for National Development was conducted to selected youths in Baguio.

The Chapter undertook a weekly seminar-workshop on Mental Hygiene for Public Health Workers. Participants for the said activity were the personnel of Baguio General Hospital.

The constitution was amended and the word “Benguet” was included in the agency’s name.

The “Sinag Ng Kabataan” was organized. The organization seeks to respond to the needs of the youth in the areas of emotional, physical, social and spiritual development, conducts various activities to meet this end at their headquarter called Growth Center.

In coordination with Baguio General Hospital, the chapter undertook recreational and vocational activities like gardening and basket-weaving with the mental patients.


The Chapter in partnership with Shalom House provided a means of livelihood to their clients by imparting to them some basic skills on macramé handicraft.


The Chapter acted as coordinator of the celebration of International Year of the Child. Thus, it monitored the activities of the different organizations in Baguio City that are involved in the celebration.


The Chapter conducted a Seminar on Developing Adolescent Values – Action for the 80’s. A Forum on Adolescent Values and Drug Abuse was also conducted in partnership with the Shalom House and University of Baguio Helping Hands.

The PMHA Ladies Auxiliary of the Chapter conducted a Gift Distribution Program to the patients at the BGH Mental Ward.


A follow-up seminar on the 1st Youth Life Enrichment Workshop and the 2nd Youth Life Enrichment Workshop was conducted under the sponsorship of the Ernie Villaluna Memorial Fund (EVMF).

The chapter conducted various seminars and lectures on Drug Abuse Prevention, Transaction Analysis for Staffs, Crisis Intervention and other mental health related topics.

The rehabilitation program for mental patients was resumed by the chapter.

1983 – 1984

The 3rd and 4th Youth Life Enrichment Workshop was implemented through the sponsorship of the EVMF.

The chapter has a regular radio program at DZEQ.

The Chapter conducted counseling and gave medicines to indigent psychiatric patients of BGH Psychiatric Department. Funds for the medicines came from donations of Baguio Casino and the PMHA Ladies Auxiliary.


The Chapter started the implementation of the special project “Enhancing Police Service Through Human Potential Development”


Youth as Family Facilitator was conducted for out-of-school youths under the sponsorship of the EVMF


The Chapter was able to have a weekly radio program called “Alamin Natin Ang PMHA” at the PBS-DZEQ every Wednesday, 7:30 – 8:00 a.m.

The first Job Enrichment Seminars and Human Relations was conducted to the Baguio Country Club supervisors and staff.

Orientation about PMHA, specialized trainings on Systematic Training on Effective Parenting (STEP) and Youth Life Enrichment Program (YLEP) and other related activities on mental health have been conducted to the members of the community, students, parents, teachers, businessmen and to the general public.


A Seminar on Mental Health and Early Detection of Mental Illness for Barangay Health Workers was conducted. The said seminar was funded by Jaime V. Ongpin Foundation Inc. and Department of Health.

The Chapter participated in the inter-agency effort toward psycho-social rehabilitation of the earthquake victims by conducting the Critical Incident Stress Debriefing (CISD).

Six radio stations aired during their programs the DO’s and DON’Ts disaster plugs. This is a 30-second plug which talks about disaster preparedness as a reaction to the July 16, 1990 earthquake.

Increase of clients for psychological testing


The PMHA Celebrated its 34th National Mental Health Week with then Secretary of Health Juan M. Flavier as the guest speaker.


In partnership with the Dangerous Drugs Board (DDB), the Chapter strengthened its program on the Systematic Training for Effective Parenting (STEP), by conducting three (3) trainors’ training among teachers, and parents in the region.


Through the sponsorship of the DDB another YLEP Seminar Workshop was implemented.

The Chapter also conducted numerous Lecture Fora on the following topics; Mental Health and Mental Illness, Pranic Healing, Alternative Ways of Healing Mental Disorders/Stresses and Substance Abuse Prevention.


Twelve Secondary Schools in Baguio City and Benguet organized their Lakas Isipan Ng Kabataan (LINK ) Club


The LINK Advisory Board (LAB) was organized, with eight teachers and guidance counselors as its first members.


The Baguio Health Department sponsored a Trainors’ Training on Systematic Training for Effective Parenting.


Eighteen LINK Clubs were organized from the different high schools in the city of Baguio and province of Benguet.


Leadership Seminar was conducted to the different LINK Club Officers.

National Mental Health Week Celebration was celebrated in and hosted for the first time by the Baguio-Benguet Chapter. Participants came from Northern Luzon and Manila.


A core group of the STEP participants was organized in order to follow-up the application of STEP principles at the same time to serve as a pool of resource speakers for future STEP Training.


29 LINK Clubs were organized

The LINK Clubs implemented various projects like; Mental Health and Solid Waste Management Seminar, Arts and Music Training on Solid Waste Management, Journalism Workshop, and the 1st Search for Mr. and Ms. Kampus Bayani.

The LINK Club was also able to come up with its own news letter called the Talina-ay – an ilocano term which means peace.

The British Embassy sponsorship of Baguio General Hospital Medical Central Women and Children Protection Unit (BGH-MC WCPU) funded an YLEP Seminar Workshop focusing on child abuse.
A video on Peer Counseling was produced. This project was financed by the British Embassy sponsorship of BGH-MC WCPU
Different seminars and trainings were conducted. Topics discussed were; ADHD and Conduct Disorder, Stress Management, Child Sexual Abuse Prevention, Self-Awareness and Team Building, Psychological Effects of Violence Against Women, Gender and Sex Orientation, Causes and Effects of Juvenile Deliquency, Understanding Criminal Behavior, Peer Counseling, and Feminist Counseling.
Six (9) Kampus Bayani Candidates were given college scholarships by CHED, MAC, Rotary Club of Baguio.

The Kampus Bayani Trustfund was institutionalize.

The Psychological Societies Association on Mental Health was organized with three universities as its first members.

The Mental Health Community Outreach Program was first implemented in Baguio City

The LINK Clubs had their Tagisan Ng Talento 1: LINK Choral Competition. The LNHS LINK Club won the said competition.The 1st LINK Club Summer Camp was held at Tuba National High School

The Search for the Most Active LINK Club was launched. Baguio City National High School – San Vicente Annex and Lepanto National High School LINK Clubs were the first awardees.

Twenty six (26) graduating LINKers were awarded the 1st Most Active LINKer Award15 Kampus Bayani Candidates were given college scholarships by Monday Afternoon Club (9), Commission on Higher Education

Cordillera Administrative Region (2), Mauricio G. Domogan Financial Scholarship Grant (4).


The Kampus Bayani candidates from 2001 – 2006 had their 1st Kampus Bayani Reunion at the PMHA Office.

The Chapter conducted a YLSP with the theme “Youth as Family Facilitator”

The STEP for Parents of Teenagers was first conducted.


The LINK Club had their Tagisan Ng Talento 2: LINK Club Battle of the Bands. This is a fund raising activity for the Kampus Bayani Trustfund.

The PMHA BBCI gave 2 college scholarships to the winning Mr. and Ms. Kampus Bayani

The 3rd LINK Club Summer Camp was attended for the first time by the LINKers from Cabanatuan Chapter.