Philippine Mental Health Association – CORDILLERA CHAPTER INC.



HOW STRESSED ARE YOU? (Try this stress test.) Instruction: Here are some questions which will reflect how stressed you are in your daily life – tick each one in the column which most clearly reflects how true this is for you, and then add up your scores at the bottom. In the past few months,… Read More

Is Mental Illness Curable?

Yes, mental illness is curable in the sense that the signs and symptoms may be controlled to the point of enabling the individual, with proper treatment, to improve in his daily functioning.

What Causes Mental Illness?

There are three interrelated factors that may cause mental illness. These are the biological or physical factors, psychological factors, and socio-cultural factors. BIOLOGICAL FACTORS These are the imbalances of the neuro-chemicals in the brain called neurotransmitters. These neurotransmitters aid the brain nerve cells communicate with each other. If these chemicals are not in balance or… Read More

Who May Develop Mental Illness?

Any person may develop mental illness regardless of his/her race, nationality, age, gender, civil status, and socio-economic background.

What is Mental Disorder?

Mental disorder is a medically diagnosable illness that results in the significant impairment of an individual’s intellectual, emotional, behavioral, relational abilities, and occupational abilities as a student, worker, parent, etc. It is equivalent to mental illness. There are many mental disorders, with different presentations. They are generally characterized by a combination of abnormal thoughts, perceptions,… Read More

What is Mental Health?

Mental health is how a person thinks, feels and acts when faced with life’s situations. It is how people look at themselves, their lives and other people in their lives: evaluate their challenges and problems and explore choices. This includes handling stress, relating to other people and making decisions. – World Health Organization